How can I add a job ad to the portal?

Triinu Leppik

Last Update üks päev tagasi

If you want to be able to show your job ads in, you should: 

1. Notify us, that you would like to use the integration between CVbankas and Recrur 


2. If we get your request, we will open this integration for you. We will let you know once the integration is ready to use!

3. If it is ready, you just need to go to the job profile and select: "Job ad: Recrur and CVOnline"

Select "Upload existing job ad"

4. You will have an additional active CVbankas selection in the channels list: 

If you select "CVBankas" from here, fill out other information about your job ad (Job ad text) and click on "Save", your ad will be posted to CVbankas as well!

NB! If you want to make part of your text in bold, you should use HTML tags like: 

[b] bold text here in between [/b]

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