How can I change my company's settings?

Triinu Leppik

Last Update aasta tagasi

User with admin role can change company's settings.

For that, you need to click on your name, select "Settings" -> "Company details"

It is not possible to change "Company name" and "Registration number", these will be set and fixed when you ceate an account.  They are also used in the default GDPR agreement by Recur[link]. 

On the right side you can change your organisation's logo. It's shown on the Recrur application form, also on CV-Online and CV Keskus job ad's. However, you can change it for a specific application link or job ad separately when creating them.

“Contact information” - fill this with the details of the main contact person of your organisation/recruitment. When creating a job ad to CV Keskus for example, this contact information will be shown there next to the job ad.

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