I am receiving too much email notifications, how can I change it?

Triinu Leppik

Last Update aasta tagasi

Email notifications can be changed under SETTINGS.

Available for admin user and recruiter.

To do this, click on your name and select "SETTINGS"

From the left menu, select "Notifications" and there you can turn different notifications on (green) or off (grey). 

It is possible to change the time the candidate has been in the system (the default is 6 months) by clicking on the light blue underlined text. From there, you can choose whether you want to be notified after several months - this is especially useful for the correct completion of the GDPR.

If you've turned off notifications that you don't want to receive, but for some reason you still receive such emails, it could be that another user in your organisation has the same contact email address and has notifications under settings turned on. 

Contact email address can be changed SETTINGS -> MY SETTINGS -> MY ACCOUNT -> CONTACT E-MAIL

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