How can I add a job ad to LinkedIn?
application through Recrur
Janeli Eiert
Last Update aasta tagasi
In order to add an advertisement to the LinkedIn platform, the user must have a LinkedIn account and a corresponding package that allows posting advertisements. LinkedIn Recruiter Lite (155.27EUR/month) allows you to post up to 5 free ads per month, LinkedIn Recruiter Corporate and LinkedIn Recruiter Professional allow you to post an unlimited number of ads per month. The price list for the last two is not public and you need to contact the LinkedIn sales team.
When creating an ad, you must fill in the required fields on the LinkedIn platform:
Then you have to choose from the section "How you like to receive your applicants?" how you want to recieve candidates. By selecting "Direct applicants to an external site to apply", it is possible to direct the candidate to apply directly through the Recrur job application form. For this, it is necessary to add the URL link of the Recrur application form the box, which can be found in Recrur in the job view.
Then there will be a note next to the LinkedIn job advertisement that you will be directed to apply out of the LinkedIn system. It is marked by an arrow next to "Apply" (without it, the application is done in the LinkedIn system and candidates do not apply directly to Recrur, but must be manually added to the system if needed).