How to design the job application form or job ad?

Triinu Leppik

Last Update aasta tagasi

If you would like to format the text or add links and photos to the job application form and / or manual job ad, then here are the code snippets that will help you do it.

1. Making the text Bold

<b>Your bold text here</b>

2. Making the text Italic

<i>Your italic text here</i>

3. Clickable link in description

<a href="" target="_blank">Visible text that candidate can click on</a>

4. Creating a list

Just add  “- “ at the beginning of each row:

- Coffee

- Tea

- Milk

5. Emoji or image

Larger smiley from Recrur server (62x62 px):
<img src="" alt="Smiley">

Adding measurements to the smiley to make it smaller preferrably:
<img src="" alt="Smiley" width="20" height="20">
NB! width and height should be equal and preferrably smaller than 62 px!

If you would like us to add another kind of smiley to the selection, please let us know:

Same way you can add any images saved on your own web server. The image address (URL) should then be inserted after src=" in quotation marks.

NB! Be careful about the image measurements and file sizes, so that the page doesn't fall out of format or load too slow!

6. Background color

<body style="background-color:#d1f4fa;">

# d1f4fa is a HEX color code that you can change as you like.

NB! Please make sure the text and buttons remain readable on the new background!

Here's a color picker you can use for HEX codes:

(There are different options on the Internet for this)

7. Video from Youtube

Add this code to the place in text, where you would like to show the video window:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The "width" and "height" parameters can be changed to resize the video window, but its proportions should remain the same.

"src =" is the video address on Youtube.

Where to insert the code snippets

In the job application form, codes can be added to the "Introduction" box:

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