How to give users permissions/access to jobs?
Janeli Eiert
Last Update aasta tagasi
If your organization has several users in Recrur and their roles are different (recruiters, admin, clients), then not all jobs are automatically visible to all users.
By default:
- users in the role of admin can see all jobs
- users in the role of recruiter can see all jobs
- the user in the client role does not initially see any jobs
- The easiest way to grant permission to a user is to add him/her as a team member of the Job. In this case, this job will automatically become visible to the user of the client role
Permission to jobs can also be granted one at a time, i.e. permissions can be given/removed to the user per job. Permissions can be added and removed by a user in the administrator role.
In order to give/remove Permission from the user, you have to go to "Settings".
A list of users under your organization is displayed here. Find the user to whom you want to grant/remove permission.
Click on the "Action" button behind this particular person and click on "Change permissions" from the option that opens.
A view will then open listing all the jobs in your organization and behind each job the option to grant more permissions or remove them altogether:
Behind each competition there are 3 choices:
- Right to view (VIEWER): The right to see the profile of the job and its list of candidates. There is no right to add phases to candidates and make changes to candidates.
- The right to change (MODERATOR): The right to see the job profile and list of candidates. It is possible to add phases to candidates, see the candidate's activity view, etc.
- Hidden (HIDE OBJECTS): The job is hidden from the user, it does not appear in the "My jobs" or "All jobs" view.
When you have made the desired selections in this view, simply close the window from the upper right corner. The last selections made are saved.