How to view jobs statistics?
Janeli Eiert
Last Update aasta tagasi
To view jobs statistics, go to the "Statistics" page. It can be found in the top menu bar called "Statistics". Then you get to the statistics view:
How to use the statistics module?
First, at the top of the page, it is possible to customize the statistics view using various filters.
If you do not want to filter the result in any way then you do not have to select anything from the options here and they can remain as they are by default (for example, the period has not been narrowed, a specific client or responsible person has not been selected, etc.).
Possible filters:
• PERIOD - You can choose which period you want statistics for. For example, one specific day, week, month or year or simply a desired range of dates.
PS! When circling the job, the number of candidates in the given phase on the end date of the selected period is displayed.
o All - jobs created, active and closed during the selected period.
o Active - a job that is active as of the end date of the selected period.
o Completed - a job that was completed during the selected period
o Created - a job created during the selected period
o Failed - a job where no candidates have been received or the received candidates were not suitable; the deadline passed, but the need remains.
o Canceled - a job that was cancelled
o Expired - a job whose deadline has expired
o All - displays jobs related to all clients.
o Selecting a specific client's name will display job related to that client.
o All - displays jobs related to all responsible parties.
o Selecting the name of a specific responsible person displays the jobs related to that responsible person.
o Show deleted users - possibility to view jobs of inactive / deleted users.
o It is possible to filter by categories if you have added them under the settings (and also used them for jobs)
Depending on the job, each recruitment is divided into phases (in other words, within each job you have used a certain selection/amount of phase), and you can also see the statistics and placement of candidates in different phase in the following example of the "ASSISTANT" job:
Assistant job:
• Candidates have been in different phases (Active, Homework, Interview, Send offer, Accepted), in which there are currently a total of 7 candidates.
• Which phases you see here depends on which phases the candidates are at the moment within the job.
An empty phase means that there are no candidates in this phase at the moment, but candidates have previously passed this phase within the job. At the moment, for example, there are 0 candidates in the "Active" phase, but since this phase is presented here, it follows that there have been some candidates in this phase before. In other words, phases where no candidate has been before are not shown here.
• "Active" and "Accepted" phase are fixed by Recrur, first and last phase respectively.
• "Active" indicates a phase in which there are candidates who have not yet been added to the phase, but who are applying for the Assistant job.
• "Accepted" refers to the phase in which there are candidates who have been found to be suitable. At the accepted phase, /1 represents the number of candidates to be searched.
NB! The order of the phases depends on how many candidates have passed that phase. The phases are listed in descending order from left to right.
If you move the mouse over the name of the job in the statistics view, the following information about the competition is also displayed:
- The person responsible for the job
- Sources through which the candidates have reached the jobs. Behind each source shows how many candidates have come from there.
- The total number of candidates in the job
- Several candidates are in the "Refused" phase
- How many candidates are in the "Not Esuitable" phase
The statistics overview can be downloaded as an Excel file. For that you have to choose "General report":