How to use candidate activity view?
Janeli Eiert
Last Update aasta tagasi
For convenient navigation between candidates, we have created an activity view. This view contains all the necessary information about the candidate within the selected job.
Activity view enables:
1. To see how many candidates are under job and how many are on the list You are currently viewing:
2. Move back and forth between the candidates comfortably with the arrows:
3. See the candidate's contact information: e-mail address, phone number. Also the candidate's position/keywords immediately under her name:
4. View the candidate's documents submitted for this particular job. It is also possible to add documents from here (e.g. if the candidate sends some documents later by e-mail, etc.)
5. If desired, mark the candidate's documents as suitable/unsuitable.
- Suitable means that a document meeting the requirements of the job offer has been submitted (for example, the employer requested a document certifying higher education).
- Unsuitable does not mean that the document is generally unsuitable for the candidate's profile. It simply means that the candidate should submit a new document.
Suitable/unsuitable is initially just a visual distinction for the recruiter. If your recruitment process includes the need for the candidate to resubmit unsuitable documents through the Recrur system, read more about this option here.
Suitability can be determined as follows:
- Move the mouse over the file (but don't click!)
- 3 dots appear behind the document name. Click on them - from there you can determine the suitability of the document.
6. To see which phase the candidate is currently in and to change the candidate's phase.
The currently active phase is shown on the blue button:
By clicking on the button, a list of phases opens, and through it you can add a candidate to a new phase:
If you choose Candidate is visible for evaluators or Candidate is visible for viewers, this restriction will be extended to those users to whom it is applied.
If you choose a phase from this list, you can also add a comment:
7. See the history of phases - in which phase the candidate has previously been in this job. You can also see who added this phase and when, and the comments added to the phase:
8. Add comments about the candidate within the framework of a specific job - i.e. inform/evaluate/notify colleagues who have access to this specific competition. The comment added here will not appear on the candidate's profile - if there is a desire to share some general information about the candidate, intended for everyone, then the comment must be added from the candidate's profile.